Pastor Melvyn Eugene Francis Hayden III was born to Pastor and Mrs. Melvyn and Sandra Hayden in Norfolk, VA. in 1971. As the only son of four children he was attacked at one month old by two terminal diseases, which plunged him into a coma. He was anointed by his father and two local pastors of the Allegheny East Conference and after the third anointing was miraculously healed. At the age of three he responded to his mother who asked him what he wanted to do when he grew up by saying, “To build God’s House.” He was baptized at the age of 9 yrs. old and was very active in church as a child.
As he grew older he served as class pastor at Sligo Elementary and was voted class Pastor every year while attending Takoma Academy.In 1989 he attended Oakwood University and started a youth ministry of 40 students called the Bell Tower Ministries.
He was joined in Holy Matrimony with donna lynn Roche, his High School sweetheart, in 1995 and the two moved to Andrew University. There he started a 50 member youth ministry called L.I.F.E. (Living In Full Effect) and received a B.A. in Religion. While continuing in the Masters of Divinity Program in the Theological Seminary he received a call in 1998 by Dr. Norman Miles of the Lake Region Conference to pastor a new church plant which grew in one year from 16 to over 100 members in South Bend, IN.
In 2000 Elder Joseph McCoy extended him a call to the South Central Conference as a full time licensed minister at the Lima Drive SDA Church in Lexington, KY. and the Capital City SDA Church in Frankfort, KY. By 2003 Pastor Hayden planted a new Spanish CHurch.
In the summer of 2004 Pastor Melvyn Hayden III was ordained by the laying on of hands at the South Central Conference Camp meeting and given the authority to minister worldwide.
In August 2005, Pastor Hayden III he returned to Takoma Academy by accepting a call to be the Chaplain and Freshman / Sophomore Bible teacher. In May of 2006 Pastor Hayden was extended a call by the Potomac Conference to be the Youth Pastor of the Community Praise SDA Church in Alexandria, VA. He began officially in July of 2006 and his wife Donna is a 5th Grade teacher at Sligo SDA Elementary. During this time he Planted the Bowie Project from 3 families to 70 people until inviting Pastor Paul Graham to be it's official pastor.
In August of 2010, He was called by the AEC to pastor the Mitchellville SDA Church in Largo, MD where he pastored for 3 & 1/2 yRs during which time he planted a mission called the movement in germantown.
On March 8, 2014, pastor Hayden was called to The pine forge sDa church where he Served the congregation, PFA students, AEC workers and community for 4yrs. & donna was the principal of Jessie R. Wagner elementary school for 3yrs.
Starting Feb. 17, 2018 Pastor Hayden Began serving as the senior pastor of the first SDA church of Glassboro, NJ & the Mt. Calvary SDA Church in Salem, NJ.
They have four children: Adrianna (mahary), Melvyn IV (youth ass. pastor of Grand Concourse SDA Church in Bronx, NY), Brianna(Southern) and Cianna (OU).